Audio/Video Instructions

Guest WiFi
America's Central Port offers free WIFI services for its guests. All you will need to do is have your device connect to the services listed below. You will be prompted to read and agree to the terms prior to being issued access to the internet.
Board Room
To use the projector, you will need to turn it on and bring down the screen.
Ensure Power is on:
There is a traditional light switch at the northwest corner of the room above the counter on a double gang wall plate. The switch on the left needs to be in the up position to provide power to both the projector and screen.
Bring Down the Screen:
The black switch at the northwest corner of the room above the counter will toggle the screen up and down when not in the center (off) position. You will want to toggle the switch down until the gold dot on the edge of the screen bottom bar is within the two gold dots on the edge of the aerial photograph on the wall. This will allow the projected picture to fill most the screen while still allowing for use of the counter space.
Turn on the Projector:
In the northeast drawer (near the window) you will find the light grey NEC projector remote. Point the remote at the projector and press the "ON" button in the upper left until the projector powers on with a blue light. You will then need to select the appropriate INPUT for your use:
Port Computer -
Chromecast (ACP Devices ONLY) -
Guest Computer Connection (via wall plate)
Power OFF Devices:
When done, press the "STANDBY" button (middle top button) of the projector remote twice so it turns off. Then, raise the screen back to its up position and return the toggle switch to the center position. Please return all components to the drawer.
Board Room
The computer for the Board Room is located under the cabinet on the northeast corner of the room. You will find the integrated keyboard/trackpad in the drawer above it. Additionally, all remotes, presenter tool, and HDMI adapter will be found in this drawer as well.
To use, ensure the projector is turned on and set to the HDBaseT input setting. Then turn on the computer by pressing the power button. You will be prompted for a username/password which is printed on front of the keyboard.
The computer will provide basic internet, office programs and limited apps for guest use. Additionally, there are USB ports in the wall above the counter that connect to this computer and which you can use for thumb drives and accessories as needed.
Audio will play through the sound system located in the cabinet below the computer. Ensure the input for audio is set to VIDEO 1 for computer use. You will be able to adjust the volume with the volume buttons of the projector remote.
Board Room
Use Your Own
If you would like to use your own computer with the Port's projector, you may do so by connecting via the HDMI-2 input on the projector. There is a RED cable in the northeast drawer (near the window) which has a variety of connectors attached to it for all the most common laptop ports. You will need to plug this RED HDMI cord into the HDMI port located on the wall plate above the counter in the northeast corner of the room. There is enough length in this cord to reach the corner seat of the table.
Should you use your own computer, please inform all guests in the room of the tripping hazard which will be present with use of the RED cable.
Small Conference
To use the Small Conference Room TV, you will need to turn it on with the remote located in the drawer on the right side of the cabinets in the southwest corner of the room. This is a Roku TV, so once you power it on, you will have to choose one of the (3) three inputs for your use:
xxx -
xxx -
Audio will play through the speaker of the TV.
Small Conference
The computer for the Small Conference Room is located under the cabinet on the southwest corner of the room. You will find the integrated keyboard/trackpad in the drawer above it. Additionally, all remotes, presenter tool, and HDMI adapter will be found in this drawer as well.
To use, ensure the TV is turned on and set to the HDMI-1 (Computer) input setting. Then turn on the computer by pressing the power button. You will be prompted for a username/password which is printed on front of the keyboard.
The computer will provide basic internet, office programs and limited apps for guest use. Additionally, there are USB ports in the wall above the counter that connect to this computer and which you can use for thumb drives and accessories as needed.
Audio will play through the TV and you will be able to adjust the volume with the volume buttons of the Roku remote.
Small Conference
Use Your Own
If you would like to use your own computer with the Port's TV, you may do so by connecting via the HDMI-2 input on the TV. There is a RED cable in the southwest drawer (near the window) which has a variety of connectors attached to it for all the most common laptop ports. You will need to plug this RED HDMI cord into the HDMI port located on the wall plate above the counter under the TV. There is enough length in this cord to reach the corner seats of the table.
Should you use your own computer, please inform all guests in the room of the tripping hazard which will be present with use of the RED cable.